Sunday, January 08, 2006

God is Good!

I was sorry I didn't make the movie with friends but God had something different in mind. I got a chance to visit with my mentore from High school to review my writing. She was very much an encouragement to me. In fact, before picked her up for dinner she was praying for me and the Father layed it on her heart that I needed job. She gave my a tip I will follow up on this week. Please pray for the Lord's guidance as I feel this opportunity would be a great match.

After that I made it in time for the last little bit of The Well at Apex. After they dismissed us for game night, I went into the cafe area to hear a young man played a lovely, relaxing song the piano. I play a little bit and grew up in a very musicaly inclined family. When he finished I decided to take my turn at the keyboard. I don't know how to explain it but something happened. I sat down and just started playing. I don't normaly do that, haven't done it years but the Lord just braught something to mind and I started playing and wrote the first couple lines of a song write there at the Keyboard. it was, I don't know, almost magical. It was just a God-thing. Then Saturday, I went and played pool with my boyfriend and gave him the I gave Dating A Chance book. He was like, "You better be glad I love you because I don't read anything hardly ever accept for my Bible." We talked about alot of things that evening very serious things which seems as inappropiate to post here as it was for us to be even discussing it. I covet year prayers.