Wednesday, January 18, 2006

To Amanda

If you are not Amanda, oh well. Might as well let everyone else know what sometimes a sad, selfish humanbeing I can be at times.

I have a confession to make. Actually a couple. I am terribly insicure and alot of my though process is very self-centered. I can take things waaay to personaly. Or perhaps you noticed that already? Anyway, I get discouraged and frustrated when you kind of turned me down and then when you showed up in the sanctuary I was oh man. I realized I had no where to hide. And so I was like nervouse. Thank you for caring enought to come fine me a listen. I didn't have any good reason to be upset or feel rejected or whatever. I've never had too many real friends b/f and I am still learning who my real friends are and what is a friend is and not to be so sensitive. And I was so nervouse I didn't as good as normal when I did my song.
You, Jaimie, V, Liz and Liz, your the best. I love you like all like the sisters in Christ that you are!
Evie Warner