Saturday, June 12, 2004

Sorry and updates

Hi. Long time no see! I am sorry I haven't posted but wanted to let you all knew that I am still living. I would like to say a few words about Reagan. He was in office while I grew up in the 80's. I was born in 81 so he is the first president I knew of when I was old enough to understand what a president was. His passing was kind of like losing one more link to my childhood. His funeral was quite long and when my father was watching the motorcade for like ten minutes just driving and driving, he felt it was kind of boring. Oh, I didn't know state funerals were supposed to be exciting. I kind of agreed and much more enjoyed the parts of different people speaking and sharing memories. This was also for me the first state funeral I ever remembered seeing and was interesting to see what all is involved. It was magnificent undertaking for a magnificent man. May you rest in peace, Mr. President.

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