Friday, December 16, 2005

My $2,000 miracle

It has recently come to my attention that may simple, narrow minded and self-absorbed. Also known as a sinner.

Wednesday night Pastor Rob told the story about how somehow gave him an envalop stuff with money for a couple having financial troubles. I think he said it contained about two-thousand dollars. I sat there thinking, Man why doesn't Lord give us two-thousand dollars. After all, between my dad being laid off for most of the year, medical bills totaling over $5,000 that mom's insurance want pay for, its not like we couldn't use some cash flowing our way. And would you believe what Pastor said. In went something like this:

"I know what you might be thinking, why doesn't the Lord give you two-thousand dolloars. Its possible he has answered your prayers just not the way you thought he would."

Man I hate it when he does that! Almost as if he had a window to my brain and was picking it apart . I instanlty felt convicted! God was trying to tell me something but if you read my last blog it didn't quite settle in until this morning when God came through-as he always does-and gave me that $2,000 miracle I had been asking for. When I opened my check from a new job, there was more money than what I had been expecting. Also, how many hours I am expecting is looking for next week as well. I was scheduled to work from eleven am until two pm but ended working almost four hours. So I also got more hours today than what I was expecting. My boss is sounding upbeat for how many hours he expects me to be able to get so I am still trusting the Lord for that oen recognizing that he knows what I need and will provide it. God was trying to tell me: Relax. I got it undercontrol. The extra money means being able to buy all the wrapping paper we will need for Gospel Mission Project on Monday. I am so excited. Sometimes it takes awhile for us to see and understand that God is good; all the time.

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