Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I have had so many dreams about things over the years. None of them have ever come to fruit. I have at various times wanted to do missions work in Canada and Belgium. So far I have been to Californing, Slovakia, and Wisconsin. Wisconsin was the only place I eve had any thing close to a positive experience. I blame myself for all of them. I was stupid an immature. I look at my life right and its hard not to feel discourage or throw a pity party. I am 25 and I have no car, I still live with my parents because I have no steady job and I have $200 bucks to my name. My life as of right now is a total waist and isn't amounted to a whole lot. Jesus take my life and use it in some small way.


Anonymous said...

I would love to go to Slovakia!

Anonymous said...

Our university president recently gave a sermon in which he pointed out that there are many ways to measure success, but only the way Jesus measures success is what matters. Your life is not a waste; forget about trying to measure up to society's standards, your friend's standards, your family's standards, etc. Keep God's standard of success as the measuring stick. And what is God's definition of success? That you are seeking His will and obeying it. Usually, when we do that, we don't measure up to the common definition of success, but that's OK.